As the founder and CEO of Aim2 (Attitude Impacts Mental Mindset), Mrs. Walker’s vision is to immediately create an impactful moment that will stimulate mental progression for everyone that comes into contact with her.
"The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart– this you will build your life by, and this you'll become." – James Allen
Ms. Walker is transparent when she shares her trauma and triumph. She endeavors to relate through her teachings, a straightforward but compelling fixed point of reference, "developing the recreated human spirit." Her deep passion for people to "get it" often presents itself in an extremely animated demeanor, coupled with a teachable moment for her audience.
She has faced and overcame many challenges. Her journey didn't come without adversity, nevertheless Mrs. Walker's most satisfying experiences in life is to be a resource for the success of others.
As a faith-based teacher, she has been co-laboring over ten years alongside her husband, Pastor Rod, at Walker Ministries in Virginia Beach, VA--- a bible-based study ministry whose foundation is centered on love and focus directed to becoming the hidden-man of the heart (true-self). Mrs. Walker’s spiritual and professional life expresses her dedication to serving the community.
Her professional portfolio includes; Director of Auxiliary Business Services Marketing, Vice President of NACAS East (National Association of Colleges Auxiliary Services), Certified Facilitator, Motivator, Mentor, Business Consultant, Former Realtor, Artist Development and Mental Health Advocate. She holds a M.A. Communications degree from Norfolk State University with emphasis in Organizational Group Dynamics, and B.S. in Mass Media Communications from Old Dominion University; dual minor in Counseling and Marketing.
In 2019, she was award recipient of the Marketing "Collaboration" and "Marketing Support” and in 2010, NACAS recognized her as Emerging Professional.
As an author, Mrs. Walker’s goal is to cultivate a healthy mind-set for all readers. In 2008 she completed, Discipleship Training Manual, and in 2010, "Training to Reign" (manual/ curriculum for leaders and aspiring ministers). She is currently working on her latest writing project, The New Creation Training Manual, along with several other books.
She often says her growth can largely be contributed to Philippians 4:9:
"What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me (a spiritually mature Christian)— practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."
What she learns, she applies.
Brandie wright
As an inquisitive, persistent, and innovative educator, Brandie encompasses a gift in connecting others with specified skills, information, and resources required to achieve their personal goals. Building relationships and making connections is at the core of her work for the Kingdom of God.
With a Bachelor’s degree in Religion, a Master of Education degree in Instructional Design and Technology, and over 20 years in the tech industry, Brandie has gained an expert understanding for dynamic learning and transformation. She plans to continue developing her portfolio and collaborating with other educators on amplifying the voice of women and people of color in the educational technology field.
Brandie’s excellent attention to detail and strong leadership skills encourages her to use anything and everything to discover new paths to solutions. She faithfully pursues hidden truths, unafraid to ask the hard questions as her purposeful determination allows no thing and no one to hinder her progress and development.
Her life of righteousness and love aids to the support and development of her two children. She loves being their first teacher, it has prepared her to become a teacher for Christ, with all boldness and without hindrance.